In general, treatment is a process of getting rid of pathological factors that initiated and developed a certain ailment in the tissues and organs of a body.
That is to say, treatment targets a complete elimination of the disease, particularly the root cause. Medicina NU HCHP is exactly that treatment. We are not trying to understand a myriad of subjective consequences of diseases, but we simply remove the pathological factor, or the cause. For example, take a common disease such as hypothyroidism or
Hashimoto’s syndrome. In these cases, the thyroid gland itself is the cause of the disease, since the thyroid cells provoke the immune cells and consequently form antibodies that affect the thyroid gland. Conventional medicine decided to treat the consequences of this disease so that the patient feels better by giving him hormone substitutes that restore the function of the thyroid glands. Unfortunately, this treatment does not satisfy all patients.
In this case, Medicina NU or HCHP eliminates the cause of the disease.
When the thyroid gland was functioning normally, its cells had a natural status, and the immune system had no qualms with them. When the thyroid cells have grown into a status that does not correspond to the norms of their own body, the immune system begins to try and get rid of this gland. The key point is the fact that the status of the thyroid cells has changed.
The fact is that cells live for a certain time, then they either divide by mitosis to form new cells or they die out. Some cells, when dividing, acquire poor quality
of functioning, status, and/or cause a reaction of the immune system. If these cells are not replaced by stem cells into normal monolayer cuboidal epithelial folliculocytes, then Hashimoto’s disease develops. If the number of stem cells in the body and around the thyroid gland is appropriate, then the abnormal cells are replaced by normal ones and the person continues to live a full-fledged life.
From our experience, we say that HCHP maintains an appropriate number of stem cells.
Our long-term observation and analysis have shown lasting rejuvenation and increased physical and mental stamina with this method. The main effects of Medicina NU HCHP are perfect metabolism and a persistent increase in blood volume and quality, which lead to adequate nutrition of all tissues, including stem cells, which in turn increases their amount.
Another example is psoriasis, which is currently under consideration as an autoimmune disease. For some unknown reason, macrophages, lymphocytes, keratinocytes divide and multiply in great number in the skin. In addition, new small capillaries are formed. Obviously, something had to have provoked this reaction.
By the principle of HCHP, all autoimmune processes are generated in the same way,
as we described in Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.
Numerous metabolic reactions take place in the skin. Cells must meet natural standards, and of course, when there are standards present, there are also violations and deviations from said standards. The pool of stem cells should replace all abnormal cells if the non-standard pathological cells will turn on. When the body is young and healthy, this system works perfectly. But sometimes due to aging or
a sudden change in the body’s homeostasis under the influence of stress or hormonal changes, the system of replacement of pathological cells is not effective and/or not initiated at all.
Thus, as you understand, the principle of Medicina NU is to restore and/or increase the number of stem cells in the body.
In fact, if we take any chronic disease and analyze its origin, we will see an autoimmune trace. Such diseases include chronic gastritis, ulcers of the intestinal tract, diabetes, nephritis, arthritis, dermatitis, alopecia, vitiligo, and many others.