How we created and developed the Medicina NU Holistic Comprehensive Healing Program:
In short, our life is all that we have. There is nothing more valuable to living beings than life. Moreover, life is a miracle of the universe.
Almost everyone dreams of a long and healthy life. Life must be healthy, because life with constant pain is punishment.
Let’s see how in ancient times they tried to live long and healthy.
Legend says that a
long time ago, when there were no people yet, gods and demons lived on Earth. They lived for a long time, but unfortunately, not long enough.
They decided to get the elixir of eternal youth from the depths of the ocean. They found a huge whorl snake, wrapped it around the largest mountain, threw it into the ocean, and the sea began to churn.
It churned for exactly one hundred years. Every day, the ocean began to throw out different types of living beings. The last living being thrown out of the ocean was man.
Finally, the ocean boiled, bubbled, and threw a bowl of the elixir of eternal youth onto the land. Gods and demons rushed to the elixir; the crowd was uncontrollable. A young goddess, the most agile of them all, was the one who took possession of the cup.
She promised to distribute the elixir equally to both gods and demons and asked everyone to line up.
Suddenly, an insidious demon in the form of a dragon grabbed the cup and flew away behind the Himalayan mountains towards where Africa, Asia, and Europe join.
He sat down on a small hill and brought the cup to his lips.
Of course, the almighty god and creator could not allow a demon to become immortal and forever young.
As soon as the elixir touched the lips of the demon, the creator cut his head. The bowl with the elixir fell out of the demon’s hands and spilled on that land, and three fruits grew there: amla, bibhitaki and haritaki.
Whoever learns the secret of their use will remain forever young.
Where the drops of the elixir that touched the lips of the demon landed, onions and garlic grew. The bad and harsh taste of these plants clouds the mind and increases lust, and at the same time they kill many contagious diseases and ailments.
Yes, thousands of years have passed, but people still have not fully learned how to use these plants.
Medicine is constantly developing and at the beginning of our time, Ayurveda was considered the most developed medicine.
In addition to the types of body structure and types of foods that depend on the elements, the basic principle of Ayurveda is the principle of digestion: food nourishes plasma and mucus, plasma and mucus nourish blood and organs, blood and organs nourish muscles, muscles nourish fat, fat nourishes bones, bones nourish bone marrow, bone marrow nourishes the seed, and the seed creates the essence of life (which is kept in the volume of 11 drops in the body and three in the heart). In addition, with each transition in this food chain, different by-products are formed.
If a person manages to cleanse himself of these byproducts correctly and in good time, then he will never get sick and will live a long and healthy life.
Now, let’s take a look at our current medicine; the medicine of the 21st century.
Conventional medicine today is a million-dollar industry full of high-tech research on animals and humans. Pharmaceutical companies produce millions of different drugs,
Thousands of laboratories, hospitals, clinics, and advanced medical institutions exist around the world.
The introduction of modern technology into medicine has created an opportunity to raise billions for the development and improvement of preventive and therapeutic areas
in medicine. But unfortunately, we have not seen significant results and people suffer even more.
More and more diseases appear, including a number of children’s diseases, as well as the growing concern over the growth of autism in children.
Stem cell research coupled with the use of telomerase enzyme activators is a great hope, but the first attempts were disappointing.
And yet, humanity hopes for a speedy solution of these problems.
The creator of Medicina NU or the Holistic Comprehensive Healing Program is Aybek Izzatov. He has studied medicine for a long time, both alternative and modern methods.
In 1995, when he became a surgeon, he hoped that the baggage of knowledge received
at the medical college in Tashkent will give him the pride of being a true healer. But unfortunately, it was not enough, even in the first month of his practice, says Izzatov. All the drug regimens and even some surgical methods did not occur exactly as described in their respective textbooks. It was then that he had to take up the study of “all” medicine.
His work was not all in vain, as even in those years, the patients who turned to him for help were satisfied with their treatment.
Interest in Western medicine made Aybek Izzatov move to the United States and take the necessary exam to become a doctor. He received a US medical doctor’s certificate, but due to stress, he fell ill with the following: type 2 diabetes, duodenal ulcer, alopecia areata, due to frequent meditation in the lotus position, an injured inner meniscus of the left knee
, and a ganglion-hygroma (a disease of pianists) started on the right hand because of excessive computer mouse usage. All of this could also affect
his male potency.
He was ill for more than a year and he thought that life would get better and have no stress when all the diseases
pass. But unfortunately, his conditions worsened and did not improve at all.
It was then that he had to apply all his knowledge of modern and ancient medicine in order to save himself. He combined everything he knew into one idea. That is, he integrated all medicines into one program. The treatment took about 3 months. All of his diseases are gone. Entirely gone!
First, his appetite decreased. Besides the fact that this method of self-healing helped to get rid of all of the above diseases, it completely got rid of his paroxysmal tachycardia, which had troubled him for decades. Another surprise was sudden rejuvenation. He felt a lot younger, and life has become good!
At that time, the doctor loved to take photos and videos. He became interested in YouTube and posted a video about how he had a huge bald spot on his beard disappear. Since then, the video clip has been watched by hundreds of thousands of people and many are asking to give them the medicines with which he got rid of his alopecia areata syndrome, because one of the terrible complications can be a complete loss of hair on the body, including the eyelashes and eyebrows.
At that time, the doctor could not provide advice and consultations since he still did not know exactly how the method worked.
The goal was to try this method of self-healing on several people suffering from different types of ailments. He, along with other doctors, began years of observation and analysis.
The principle of Medicina NU or HCHP has a lot to do with the legends and theories mentioned above in this article.
In fact, it contains them. As you remember, the key moment of the first legend was how to properly apply and take the fruits of amla, bibhitaka, and haritaki, as well as garlic and onion. Breaking these spices down into their active molecules and delivering them to the desired tissues is Medicina.
NU has devoted years of practice to all these subtleties and is now effectively being used to treat and prevent many diseases.
The second theory had a basic principle in cleansing the fine channels of the “digestive chain”. In fact, this is the entire principle of metabolism. HCHP has mastered the exact schemes of 100% metabolism for many groups of people, depending on age, gender, place of residence, constitution, and character.
The third portion is modern medicine. Thanks to laboratory tests, it is possible to skillfully calculate the state of the blood and organs, including the blood volume and approximate blood volume deficit.