Rejuvenating Self Massage
Healing Bodywork Classes

Rejuvenating Self-Massage is a powerful way of self-healing.
It benefits in following aspects:
The first aspect is the burning of excess calories. During massage the person works with almost all muscles of the body. And burns around 600-700 calories.
The second aspect,
Improves blood circulation in body tissues being massaged thus heals and revitalizes the body.
The third aspect,
Increases the blood circulation of the skin thus restores collagen and that makes it younger.

The fourth aspect,
Increases blood circulation in bones and joints thus makes them stronger and healthier.
The fifth aspect,
Increased blood circulation in fat tissue thus increases the conversion of inactive testosterone into active molecules and in women increases conversion of testosterone into estrogen thus rejuvenation begins.

The sixth aspect,
Utilizes all local byproducts like pyruvate, lactic acid thus decreasing the inflammation level in the body.
The seventh aspect,
Stimulates happiness feeling mediators like nitric monoxide, guanine and calcium derivatives.

So, as you see the value of our Self-Massage technique is the greatest!
And you have to start it now.
The main goal of practicing Self-Massage is to increase blood flow through the tissues of the body. With age all the small vessels and capillaries thicken and narrow, causing the so-called “hunger of tissue” which gradually leads to the loss of turgor and elasticity causing aging of tissues. During Self-Massage, the attendant restores blood flow enriched with oxygen and all the essential nutrients that are necessary for our body tissue.
Another equally important aspect of Self Massage is to concentrate on self to increase self-awareness here and now and to restore the nervous and mental system thus helping with mental and mood problems.